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Close To You EP
Vinyl record
4 TRack EP OF Drum n Bass - A Regular Player At The Ever Popular Spearhead Presents Events, Seba Returns To Spearhead Records With The Close To You Ep.

Showcases A Few Sides To Seba's Production The 'close To You Ep' Is A Real Journey. From The Dirty Stabby Sounds Of 'she Looks Real' To The Lush Melodies Of Title Track 'close To You', It's Clear To See Why After So Many Years Seba Is Still In Such High Demand As Both A DJ And Producer.


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She Looks Real
Close To You
Time Will Tell
Why Can't This End

Last FM Information on Seba

Please note the information is done on a artist keyword match and data is provided by LastFM.
Seba, real name Sebastian Ahrenberg, is a Swedish drum and bass producer and DJ. Seba is also the owner of Secret Operations, a drum and bass record label based in Stockholm, Sweden. With drum and bass being a very unknown/unpopular genre in Sweden when he started out, literally ordering records over the phone from England because they weren't available, Seba had to call record stores and listen through the receiver before ordering. When he started making his own music, he sent it directly to London, among other things to one of the genre's biggest, LTJ Bukem. They played at the Fanclub festival in Stockholm and after Seba's set Bukem came up and asked for a song he made, called "Sonic Winds". This became Seba's first professional release, a collaboration with Lo-tek on LTJ Bukem's Good Looking Records in 1995. The duo released Universal Music on Good Looking, after which Seba went on to produce a string of solo releases on various Bukem-owned labels. Today, his music is released on several labels, such as Hospital, Liquicity, and Metalheadz. In 1997 Seba created a night club named Secret Operations in the basement club Tuben in central Stockholm. Two years later Secret Operations released Case One, a CD compilation of works by Seba (under the pseudonym Forme) and other artists. From 1999 to 2003, Seba released a number of mostly house music works on the Swedish Svek label attributed to Seba and Forme. He has also joined with Jesper Dahlbäck (aka Lenk) for the collaborative house music effort known as Sunday Brunch. The two would release a number of tunes on vinyl as well as full length CD entitled No Resistance in 2002. In 2002, Seba began releasing drum and bass records again. For the first time on his own Secret Operations label as well as various others. While no longer under Bukem's eye, Seba's music retained its deep atmospheric sound while sometimes adding a more aggressive edge not often heard in his earlier works. Secret Operations first release was Pieces, a collaboration between Seba, Lenk and an uncredited Robert Manos as vocalist. Manos had previously recorded with the duo for Sunday Brunch, but this was the first of many times he would join Seba on a drum and bass project. In 2004 Seba joined forces with drumfunk all-star Paradox, and the two put out a large number of albums from 2004-2006, with 2005 seeing an especially large amount of releases. A compilation of their work during this time was released on the CD Beats Me in 2006. Manos also contributed his talents to a number of works during this time frame. Seba speaks in an interview with the Swedish Arts Grants Committee that he chose early on to have a regular job to avoid compromise. When not producing music Seba works as a resource teacher at a school. He goes on to state that he makes "almost no money at all from my music, but I have chosen to make the music I believe in, which has kept me active in one genre of music for almost 30 years." Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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