2x12" LP Repressed - 1 0f 2000 Numbered - Makers of sophisticated dance-pop with more than enough production finesse to intrigue electronica listeners, Röyksopp complete their transition from trip-hop maestros to electronic popsters on their third album, Junior.
Back in the late 90s the first new wave of Scandinavian pop music began to emerge, with coveted 45s appearing on the Telle imprint. One of the outstanding bands the label had to offer was Royksopp, whose "Eple" stole our hearts, and debut album "Melody AM" became the soundtrack to the early 00s. A decade on and Torbjørn Brundtland and Svein Berge are back with a new 11 song album, their best since "Melody AM". As Svein says 'We are young in bodies and old in heart', a combination that has brought together the 70s style filmic sounds of album opener "Roysopp Forever", Stevie Wonder-inspired "Vision One", the twisted electro-dance of "Vision One" and return to "Eple" on brilliant single "Happy Up Here". As always the Bergen-based band have written, performed, arranged,