Tech House & Minimal Deep House - SATYA is thrilled to announce the next chapter in its vinyl-only catalog: an evocative EP by São Paulo-based produce...
4 Track EP Of Tech / Deep House - Once upon a vibrant night in the heart of the Baltic States, a prodigious artist emerged from the depths of the elec...
4 Track EP Of Deep Tech Sounscapes & Funky Tech - After a successful career in the corporate world, marketing guru and full-time mom Cristina has take...
4 Track EP Of Funked Out Melodic Tech - Respected Italian talent Francesco Tegazzin, also known as Distilled Noise, has emerged from years of self-exp...
4 Tracks - 4 Artists Of Funky Deep Tech / Deep House - Satya unleashes an electrifying fresh opus set to ignite dance floors worldwide. This four-trac...
$ tracks OF dep House / Tech House - A true chameleon when it comes to music production, Patrick Bruyndonx aka Lost Desert has been making waves in t...
Deep Vocal Hooked Tech With Lush Soundscapes & Great FX - Welcoming Hermanez to Satya has naturally induced the label to transcend musical boundaries ...
4 Tracks - 4 Artist OF Blissful Tech Soundscapes - Connections by Satya is a February exclusive edition and a token of love for the year ahead. Gathe...
Lush Soundscapes On This Tech 4 Tracker -Hailing from Bahrain, sensational and suave producer Zone+ has just rolled out his very first Satya EP title...